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Category: Addiction Recovery

Top Rated Methadone Rehab and PHP Treatment in Los Angeles

Methadone has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in treating opioid addiction. However, several medical facilities in Los Angeles have been hesitant to prescribe it to their patients. Without proper management, recovering opioid addicts risk replacing opiates with methadone. These facilities have concerns over the addictive nature of methadone, especially …

Best Bipolar Disorder Rehab and PHP Treatment in Los Angeles

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by psychological instability. Patients will experience mood swings and dramatic changes in behavior, judgment, emotional state, and cognitive functioning.  It takes these patients a few days to a few weeks to move from a depressed state to a manic state. This period depends on how the bipolar episodes …

Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal: What to Expect When Quitting Heroin

What is Heroin Withdrawal and Why Does it Happen? For most people, heroin is known for being at the top of the list of most addictive substances and they are aware that users experience intense physical withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using and develop a heroin dependence. The withdrawal symptoms of other drugs …

The 12-Step Principles For Addiction Recovery

12-Step Programs for Addiction Recovery The 12-step programs have become one of the oldest methods for healing from drug and alcohol addiction. Over the years, the 12-step programs have been formatted to support individuals that are experiencing substance abuse concerns along with behavioral addictions including eating disorders, shopping addictions, gambling addictions, and other addictive behaviors. …