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Category: Addiction Treatment

Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal: What to Expect When Quitting Heroin

What is Heroin Withdrawal and Why Does it Happen? For most people, heroin is known for being at the top of the list of most addictive substances and they are aware that users experience intense physical withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using and develop a heroin dependence. The withdrawal symptoms of other drugs …

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment and Why Does it Matter?

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment? When a person is diagnosed with both a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder, it is referred to as co-occurring mental health disorders. They require specialized treatment programs to address both issues simultaneously, known as dual diagnosis treatment. They aim to treat mental health and addiction together rather …

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System? The Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Cocaine is a white powdery substance usually ingested by snorting through the nose and is also known by street names like snow, crack cocaine, and coke. Cocaine users find it difficult to discontinue using cocaine because the withdrawal symptoms, also known as the crash, can begin almost immediately after you stop feeling …

Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline: How Long is Alcohol Detox?

When Does Alcohol Withdrawal Start? Alcohol is an addictive substance that can cause the user to experience physical withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop drinking. Individuals with other substance abuse disorders such as cocaine addiction do experience withdrawal symptoms but they are more mental and physiological than physical in the way withdrawal from alcohol abuse …