What is the Main Cause of Addiction Relapse in Los Angeles?
One of the main causes of addiction relapse in Los Angeles, California is not having a proper relapse prevention plan. The other is not doing enough to change old habits so that the temptation to relapse is still front and center in a person’s life. The Number One Cause of Addiction Relapse Stress is something …
Can You Be Friends with Your AA Sponsor?
During drug and alcohol rehab, recovery programs introduce you to several addiction treatment therapies and treatment programs. They will also include relapse prevention planning and help you come up with ways to keep active in your addiction recovery after you have completed alcohol rehab. Some substance abuse aftercare programs they may have suggested to you …
How to Help an Alcoholic Without Enabling
When loved ones are struggling with addiction, you may be wondering if you are helping them or making things worse. It is difficult to watch loved ones go through alcohol abuse disorder and you may feel like nothing you do makes a difference. Families and loved ones want to know how to help an addict …
7 Reasons Medical Detox Is The Safest Option
What is a Medical Detox Program? When attempting to stop using addictive substances, a physical dependence can cause withdrawal from alcohol or drugs. Substance dependency changes the brain physically and it does not know how to function without the addictive substances, causing withdrawal symptoms. While withdrawal symptoms for the most part can be simply …
How to Talk to a Loved One in Recovery
Knowing what to say to a loved one in recovery can be difficult, no matter how close your relationship may be. Supporting your loved one is important, but you also don’t want to overstep your boundaries. Drug and alcohol addiction does not only affect the person struggling with addiction but also the loved ones around …
What Drugs Are Considered Opioids?
What Drugs Are Considered Opioids? Opioids are narcotic drugs with natural opium or synthetically developed to replicate opium’s natural effects. Opium is a substance that comes from the seeds of the opium poppy plant. The U.S. is currently in the middle of an opioid epidemic. According to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the US makes …