How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System? The Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline
Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms Cocaine is a white powdery substance usually ingested by snorting through the nose and is also known by street names like snow, crack cocaine, and coke. Cocaine users find it difficult to discontinue using cocaine because the withdrawal symptoms, also known as the crash, can begin almost immediately after you stop feeling …
What Binge Drinking Does To Your Body Over Time
What is Binge Drinking? Binge drinking involves consuming several alcoholic drinks in a short period of time, which can be potentially dangerous. It is consuming enough alcohol in 2 hours or less resulting in a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08%. For men, a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% is reached after drinking 5 or …
Most Common Forms of Addiction in Teens
According to a 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 1.4 million teens needed treatment for an illicit drug problem. With teens, their developing brains are more prone to addiction and abuse as teenage brains adapt more quickly to repeated drug use, leading to cravings and dependence. Addiction most commonly begins during …
Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline: How Long is Alcohol Detox?
When Does Alcohol Withdrawal Start? Alcohol is an addictive substance that can cause the user to experience physical withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop drinking. Individuals with other substance abuse disorders such as cocaine addiction do experience withdrawal symptoms but they are more mental and physiological than physical in the way withdrawal from alcohol abuse …
How to Maintain Healthy Relationships When Recovering from Addiction
When recently recovering from addiction, it’s important to be around the ones you trust and people who want the best for you. Whether you’re working on rebuilding a romantic relationship that barely survived addiction, connecting with new friends, or just trying to get along with coworkers at your job, there is a craft to building …
Getting Your Life Back On Track After Addiction Recovery
The road to sobriety is extremely difficult for many people. However, in a sense, the real work begins once a person leaves rehab and attempts to recover their previous life. One comparison is that it is very much like emerging from a cave. The darkness of addiction is replaced by the resumption of a normal …