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Category: Articles

Read our articles, learn more about healthy life and create a better more fulfilling life for yourself.

3 Things To Remember Before Losing Weight

It might be before a huge wedding, a big business event or even right before summer. You make that determination that you “need” to lose weight to make things work and feel confident. Though we aren’t fans of losing weight to “fit in” or achieve some kind of presupposed image, if you are determined to …

3 Tips To Keep Yourself Motivated.

So you want to master the guitar, run a marathon in record time or even simply succeed in school or at work. When you start anything new, you are motivated and are sure that you will succeed. Slowly however the motivation and the will to keep going wears off. It may be because you encountered …

3 Tips To Help You Boost Your Confidence!

Being in control That moment of total “blank.” That moment when your mind can’t find the right words all that come out is pure gibberish. The “Freeze”, the “Panic”, and the “Emotional Overload”. It may happen from getting scolded or ridiculed, watching a plan fail, or simply trying your hand at public speaking. It’s called …


Partying sober? That’s a thing? Lights. Hip hop music blasting. Dancing. Oh, we almost forgot the obvious: booze and drugs. These are all classic examples of things people experience at parties. Some party goers might only drink a pint a beer, some might occasionally fill their lungs with weed, some might “go hard or go …

Treatment: Things To Think About

Deciding to go to Treatment can be a challenging thing for those struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Another big challenge is plethora of options to choose from across the country and even the world. One of the big questions that often arises is whether or not to remain at or close to home …