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Category: Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Anaheim Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Addiction: What You Need to Know

What Is Anaheim Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a commonly used psychotherapy method used to treat mental health and substance use disorders. Through Anaheim cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, you will be encouraged to explore and reflect on your thoughts and behaviors influencing your addiction, mental health, or behavioral health condition. We often …

Opioid Addiction Treatment Torrance

What Is Opioid Addiction? Opioid addiction is a chronic condition characterized by the compulsive use of opioids despite the negative consequences. Opioids are a class of drugs that include prescription painkillers like oxycodone and hydrocodone and illegal drugs like heroin. When taken, opioids produce a sense of euphoria and pain relief, which can quickly lead …

5 Simple Steps to Successful CBT Treatment

What is CBT Treatment? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that supports individuals to explore and identify how their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes impact their emotions and behaviors. The American Psychological Association identifies that CBT Treatment is based on three core concepts including Psychological complications and issues are based on unhelpful or …

10 Signs You Might Benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive behavioral therapy was first created in the 1960s by psychiatrist Aaron Beck. He noticed that, when he was treating patients for depression, they would speak about thoughts they were having that were not rooted in reality, but that they felt to be true. This led Beck to believe that …