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Finding Employment After Addiction Treatment

After putting in all of the hard work at rehab, former addicts then have to face perhaps one of the next big challenges of their life–employment. Jobs after addiction treatment are a vital part of the overall recovering process. While a person may have been equipped with the behavioral repurposing and gone through therapy to uncover their triggers, a lot of that information and work can be undone if they are not given a stable place of employment. They require structure and a steady income that can allow them to move away from environmental triggers. How to find employment after rehab, however, can be difficult. This article will go over a few tips and things to keep in mind when searching for employment after addiction treatment.

1. Use Skills

One part of rehab that an individual can greatly benefit from is going through a life skill education course. These courses can help the individual find out what their strengths are in a job setting and hone those skills. Essentially, they can prepare you for a job in the outside world. They can also help you build a resume, prepare for interviews, and basically hone the skills that you need to make a good first impression and land the job. For some individuals, they will have to explain to their prospective boss about the criminal charges they received or the gaps in their employment. A life skill education course can help them find a method to communicate that effectively. While finding and landing a job may seem easy, especially now that the individual is sober, they may be surprised at how rusty they are at it. A life skill education course could be the perfect method for helping them find employment after rehab.

2. Connections

Rehabs can also sometimes help you make connections or networks to make it easier to find a job and get into it. These centers sometimes have a partnership or a good relationship with neighboring businesses looking for employees. The individual can use these connections to get into a stable job. Even if the job isn’t really their dream one, it will still provide them with structure, experience, and a steady income. Once they have managed to save up some money, gain experience, and shown that they can be a loyal employee, they can then perhaps look for another job elsewhere in something that they are passionate about. The goal initially is to provide structure and an income.

Besides just the networks that the rehab might be able to provide, individuals can also rely on old or new connections and networks. An old friend might have some influence with their boss and manage to help them get hired. This is especially true if the old friend sees just how much progress the former addict has made in their recovery. The individual may even find a connection with the peers they met during rehab. By working together with their support system and peers, they can usually find the assistance they need in landing a job.

3. Positivity

One of the most important aspects for an individual in recovery to keep in mind is positivity. It will likely take some time before a job sticks. It’s important that they understand that on paper, they don’t always appear as the ideal employee. Once they own up to that, they can convince the employer that they are passionate about turning their life around. However, it is critical that the individual understand that they are likely going to receive a lot of “no’s” before they get their “yes.” A negative outlook can easily drive them back into the arms of their drugs or alcohol. By maintaining positivity, optimism, and understanding that it might take a while, they can remain sober.

4. Create A Plan

Even while they’re still recovering, it is always a good idea to make a plan for when they leave rehab. Among those considerations should be moving, removing toxic friends, and jobs after addiction treatment. By starting early, they can work on their resume within rehab and have other people go over it and give them advice on what to include and exclude. It also allows them to make a long list of prospective jobs. With that time, they can do the research they need about the job. By understanding what the job’s policies are and their business model, they can then interview far better by having an intimate knowledge of the business. By creating a plan while in treatment, it also gives them the opportunity to forge those necessary connections and networks, so they can get their name into the employer’s head before they even meet. It’s also not a bad idea to have simple flex jobs, to begin with, while they search for something more stable. These flex jobs will still put money in their pocket but allow them the freedom to meet with their groups easily and keep searching for something they’re passionate about working in.

5. Utilize Federal Resources

The federal government has quite a few programs and resources for those who have recovered or are recovering from addiction in terms of employment. For one, they can file for unemployment. This will grant them some emergency cash while they’re searching for a job. The Department of Labor One-Stop Career Center can also help them locate jobs. Finally, organizations like the Salvation Army and the National Skills Coalition can provide temp jobs or training to widen their abilities for more job prospects. It also doesn’t hurt to get into contact with temp agencies to have them assist the individual with finding a job. Professionals at the treatment center will also be able to assist any questions the client may have when applying for these resources.

Staying On The Path

After an individual leaves recovery, the road ahead can seem quite scary and uncertain. By acquiring a job, they can surround themselves within a structured environment that can help them. These tips can help them search for employment despite being in recovery. If you or someone you love needs help overcoming addiction, contact us.


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Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.