Top Rated Drug & Alcohol Residential Rehab in Los Angeles, California
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How Much Does Drug Rehab Cost in LA With Insurance?

Making the decision to enter a drug rehab program is a major step for anyone who has been struggling with substance use disorders. However, what comes next can sometimes be very stressful. Choosing between types of treatment, treatment programs, and what treatment facility will work best for you can be a little difficult. Plus, many people are concerned about rehab costs and what addiction treatments are covered by insurance if any.

In general, there is an addiction treatment program for almost everyone. The cost of rehab should not dissuade anyone from looking for care for alcohol and drug problems. Drug rehab and alcohol rehab centers, including The Detox Center of Los Angeles, work with patients and their insurance companies to create payment plans for the cost of rehab that works for everyone involved.

If you or one of your loved ones is looking for drug addiction or alcohol addiction treatment in Los Angeles California, call us today. We have inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab plans that can be customized to meet anyone’s needs.

Contact The Detox Center of Los Angeles today at (888) 346-4350 to learn how to access our addiction treatment programs.

Using Your Insurance to Pay for Drug Rehab

No matter whether inpatient treatment or outpatient drug treatment is the right choice for you, there are financing options that our outstanding support staff will discuss with you. Paying for rehab can be stressful and one thing we make sure we do at The Detox Center of LA is to review any and all of the insurance benefits that you have available to you. The treatment plans that each person’s insurance covers may vary, and sometimes figuring that out on your own can be complicated. In some cases, what one insurance company may think of as standard substance abuse treatment may differ from how another insurance provider defines it.  Alcohol and drug problems can cost a person much more than an addiction treatment program in the long run.  Drug and alcohol addictions can shave years off of a person’s life, impact their career and finances, and do permanent damage to family and other relationships.  All of this should be weighed against the cost of getting treatment.

How Much Does Rehab Cost?

Drug rehab centers in Los Angeles California can vary greatly in cost. There are basic and luxury rehabs, as well as rehab centers that are for one specific drug or category of drugs. Treatment costs can vary depending on the number of hours of treatment a person is receiving each week, too.  When paying for a rehab program, it’s important to remember to check into any special financing options or treatment plans sponsored for specific demographics, like military veterans, when you are in your search. 

Factors that Influence How Much Rehab Will Cost

There are many factors that can impact how much substance abuse and mental health treatment may cost. One of the biggest is whether you are going to enter residential treatment at a rehab facility. In general, rehab costs for inpatient drug rehab are going to be higher than those for outpatient drug rehab.  This is because inpatient treatment at a recovery center includes meals, housing, around-the-clock care, and other amenities.  

Other factors include whether you are going to take part in a specialized program. These can include Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), specialized medically assisted detox programs, and option treatments like family therapy, art therapy, and some types of behavioral therapy.

The Best Way to Find Out How Much Rehab Will Cost With Insurance

The best way to choose the right rehab for you, and to establish the cost of rehab and what insurance will cover, is to call us at The Detox Center of Los Angeles and talk to one of our amazing admissions staff members. If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or a dual diagnosis, give us a call today. 


Contact Us

Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.