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How to Develop a Positive Mindset for the New Year

Saying Goodbye to Addictive Behavioral Patterns for Good

People look forward to the New Year- and for good reason. It’s always a chance to enjoy a fresh new start in life. People promise themselves that they’re going to start eating better and working out regularly. They promise themselves that they’re going to work harder at maintaining their interpersonal relationships. They often even promise to do away with destructive behavioral patterns that are holding them back. If an individual is dealing with any kind of addiction, he or she may know all too well how difficult it can be to eliminate its patterns permanently. If you want to make addiction recovery a priority, your first step should be to work on getting a positive mindset. Positivity is of the essence for people who want to transform their existences and grab life by the horns.

Get Support From People Who Make You Feel Good

If you want to make the most out of the recovery process, then you need to seek support from people who make you feel good. Surrounding yourself with “toxic” people can be a massive mistake. It can even push you to fall back into your old habits. People who want to do away with addictive cycles need to seek companionship and support from individuals who are strong role models. Get in contact with individuals who have healthy, well-rounded and relaxing lifestyles. Connect with individuals who have faced their demons and conquered them in the past, too. If you want to develop a mindset that’s positive, then you need to be around like-minded individuals. Being around negativity nonstop can do nothing other than hold you back. It can reverse your recovery progress significantly as well.

Write All of Your Feelings Down

Self-expression makes a fine device for people who want to get on the track to complete recovery. Regardless of what type of addiction you are overcoming, expressing your emotions is important. The last thing you should ever do is keep all your feelings bottled up inside. Pent-up emotions can result in feelings of loneliness, depression, or nervousness- all of which can contribute to relapse. It can help greatly to communicate openly with supportive individuals in your life. If you want to take things even further, write out your feelings in a sincere and thorough way. Keeping a journal on your desk can be helpful. Writing in a blog on the Internet can be just as helpful. If you ever have a day that’s particularly tough, write about it. If you have a day that makes you feel like you’re on the correct path, write about it, too. Communicating your innermost feelings through words can help you figure out who you are and where you need to go during your recovery journey.

Start a Rewarding Pastime

Addiction recovery shouldn’t be the only thing in your world. If you want to be able to say farewell to the pitfalls of addiction, then it can help to take up a brand new hobby. A new pastime can stimulate your brain. It can make you feel excited about being alive again. It can make you feel valuable and useful. It can even give you a feeling of extra clarity. There are so many choices in pastimes that may be able to help individuals who are in recovery. People can opt to take classes in the culinary arts, learn how to swim, or crocheting. They can take up photography or art lessons as well. If you want to be able to concentrate on something that has nothing to do with your addiction, beginning a fulfilling hobby can do you a wonderful favor.

Be Easy on Yourself

People who fall into addictive behavioral patterns often judge themselves harshly. A person may develop an addiction to alcohol as the result of intense pressure at work. They may develop a gambling addiction as the result of mounting financial troubles as well. If you have ever used something detrimental as a device for coping with reality, you have to try to adjust your outlook on life. Stop beating up on yourself when things go wrong. Stop judging yourself in a way that’s unrealistically harsh, too. People all make mistakes once in a while. Setbacks in life are inevitable. Once you acknowledge that in a truthful and honest way, you should be able to deal with situations a lot better.

Relax Any Time the Opportunity Arises

Dealing with the recovery process can often be quite hectic and time-consuming. That’s the reason it’s so important for people who are in recovery to make a point to relax on a regular basis. If you want to have a positive mindset that’s conducive to full recovery, then you need to stop and smell the roses whenever possible. This is called self-care. Take the opportunity to revel in soothing naps when you can. Read a book that’s engaging and informative any time you’re alone. Treat yourself to a warm and lengthy bubble bath at night when you get a few spare minutes. Making a point to pamper yourself once in a while can do wonders for your spirits. People who are exhausted and stressed out tend to have trouble with full recovery.

Make Exercise Sessions a Priority

Concentrating on wellness and health can do a lot for people who wish to reap the rewards of positivity during the complex recovery process. If you want to do everything you can to promote a healthy recovery process, then you should prioritize your wellness. Start exercising at the gym with frequency. Try cardiovascular exercise. Resistance training can be helpful as well. It’s also critical to make sure that you’re eating foods that are nutritious. A healthy diet can often make managing the recovery process a lot easier. Try to consume whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables each day.

Moving Forward

As we move forward in 2019, it’s important to develop a healthy and positive mindset in order to overcome personal obstacles. Having a better outlook on life not only aids in your individual recovery but aids in repairing your interpersonal relationships. The recovery process can be challenging, but a positive mindset starts from within and radiates on all other aspects of life.


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Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.