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Inpatient Vs Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol use disorder (AUD), also referred to as alcoholism, is characterized by alcohol consumption that results in physical and mental issues. When an individual can’t control their alcohol consumption, abuses alcohol excessively, or tends to feel emotionally distressed when not taking alcohol, he/she is said to be an addict. 

Alcoholism ranges from moderate to intense among alcoholics. It happens when an individual’s brain gets accustomed to consumption and thereby adopts intoxication as its normal state.

Common Signs You Need Rehab

Alcoholism is one of the most common addiction types, and alcohol is the most treated addiction substance in addiction detox centers in the United States. It is important that one seeks addiction treatment for alcohol if it’s affecting their ability to live normally and make sound decisions. 

For an individual to be diagnosed with AUD, he/she should meet at least two of the following signs and symptoms within a year, as stated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). They are;

  • Strong urge to take alcohol.
  • Continuous alcohol consumption despite negative social and personal issues due to alcohol use.
  • Withdrawal symptoms once one tries to quit alcohol consumption.
  • Developing alcohol tolerance (the urge to take alcohol in large quantities to be satisfied).
  • Loss of enthusiasm in activities you once loved, such as sports.
  • Scorning activities at home, school, and work due to alcohol use.
  • Alcohol intake is high for longer periods than intended.
  • Long duration taken to recover from alcohol effects.
  • Alcohol use in dangerous physical situations such as driving.

Social and Medical Rehab Services

Social rehab programs avail short term non-medical treatment services. As patients withdraw from substance use, they are accorded with psychological and emotional support by the detox center care providers. However, they are not given medication, and in the event of any complications, they are transferred to a medical center. This detox program is specified for individuals who are not at risk of complicated withdrawal symptoms such as physiological addiction to sedatives, alcohol, and opioids.

man in black consulting at rehab facility, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab, drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers

Withdrawal from alcohol can be highly risky as individuals may experience seizures, intense muscle contractions, and loss of consciousness, which are severe symptoms. It’s, therefore, advisable to consult medical detox centers for help. Medical detox programs offer patients with medications, medical care, and supportive drugs at their facilities.

These detox programs help mitigate intense withdrawal symptoms, and in case of any complications, medical practitioners are there to help instantly. As much as the opioid withdrawal is not life-endangering, it can be unpleasant and hurting. Therefore, patients opt for a medical detox to attain stability and curb the withdrawal symptoms.

If an individual decides to start an alcohol addiction treatment journey, a medical detox center is the first stage on your journey towards sobriety. Normally, it lasts between five to seven days, and since the withdrawal symptoms can be adverse, it’s advisable to seek help from an inpatient or outpatient rehab center.

Inpatient Drug Rehab

A residential addiction treatment is just like being admitted to a hospital. Patients are monitored during their stay while they receive treatment until they are discharged. Some individuals opt to go into an inpatient rehab center from detox and stay there for a month to half a year.

Getting Ready for Inpatient Rehab Center

While there is no specified time frame required to get ready for treatment, it’s advisable to set a specific date for rehab entry to settle important affairs before the due date. Things to take into consideration before rehab entry;

  • Inquire on personal items required at the rehab center.
  • Plan on your family and children’s living arrangements.
  • How to get to the rehab center and leaving the center.
  • Talk to your employer.

Contacting Your Family While at the Inpatient Rehab

Most inpatient rehab centers are aware that family members are important as they provide patients with emotional support, which is required in the recovery process. It is important to maintain healthy relations with your family and friends as you recover. Each inpatient center has a policy on how frequently their residents can communicate with their family and friends.

Day to Day Life at The Inpatient Rehab

Daily activities of the inpatient residents are scheduled by their health care providers. Patients are monitored individually by counselors and psychiatrists daily, and constant medical care is given if need be as they focus on their wellness and sobriety.

photo of people taking a group selfie, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab, drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers

Outpatient Drug Rehab

An outpatient drug rehab allows an individual to live at home and go to the rehab center when required for treatment. Normally, they need ten to twelve hours per week for patient visits at the facilities. They can be a good option for individuals with a mild addiction or as a part of a long-term treatment plan. These programs last between three to six months or more than a year in some cases.

 There are three stages of outpatient rehab and are classified according to the intensity of weekly hours to be completed for treatment. The stages are;

  • Partial hospitalization
  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Full outpatient care

1. Partial Hospitalization Program

In this full-time program, an individual requires up to forty hours each week while staying at the center. If any medication is required, it is availed to you as you can’t have your mobile phone to limit outside contact while undergoing treatment. 

After completion of the specified addiction treatment, individuals can reclaim control of their daily activities. Some individuals may opt to live at home during partial hospitalization while others choose to stay in a rehab center to have an organized environment for treatment.

2. Intensive Outpatient Treatment

This program requires nine to fifteen treatment hours every week. Most of these treatment programs run during the daytime, but some offer evening sessions to allow clients to meet other commitments or work full-time during ongoing treatment. In this stage, individual therapy sessions or group activities with trained personnel are conducted.

3. Full Outpatient Care

This program requires one to three weekly treatment hours. This treatment session is useful when an individual in the recovery process attains high personal responsibility and can control his/her personal life. This treatment stage is likened to a person seeking physical therapy for injuries or psychological help on an ongoing basis in their recovery process.

Outpatient treatment programs enable individuals to adapt easily to the world after recovery in their newly sober state of mind.  Research studies show that the duration of treatment is a critical factor for a successful recovery for individuals. In 2004, the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse noted that females who spent half a year or more in drug treatment centers were highly likely to stay sober for at least a year than those who underwent shorter treatment schedules.

mother buttoning up her sons shirt, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab, drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers

The Detox Center of Los Angeles

310 recovery is a fully licensed top-rated drug and alcohol detox, rehab, and PHP in Los Angeles, California, which is fully accredited by multiple reputable associations. We offer services such as; solution-focused therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, family therapy, breathwork therapy, psychodynamic therapy, Jungian therapy, and spirituality and trauma-informed therapy.

 We offer a detox program, outpatient, and residential treatment programs to clients. Since recovery from drug and alcohol addiction takes time, our clients work together with our trained professional therapists to maintain physical and emotional strength.

friends spending time together, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab, drug and alcohol inpatient rehab centers

Our residential treatment program allows post-withdrawal healing in a safe, comfortable, and state of the art residential inpatient facility. Our in-house detox program offers comprehensive care as clients stay at our facility in a highly structured environment with knowledgeable and experienced staff. Individuals get personalized care 24/7 in the 5 to 10 days detox.  Visit us today or book an appointment to begin your recovery journey and get individualized treatment to sobriety.

Key Takeaway

Quitting alcohol consumption can be an uphill task for most individuals, and therefore seeking professional treatment and therapy enables individuals to increase recovery chances. Recovery is a lifetime quest that requires patience, determination, and resilience. Make a decision today, and begin your journey to sobriety and wellness as soon as possible.


Contact Us

Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.