Meth Detox: What To Expect When Quitting Meth
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms The symptoms of meth withdrawal will be dependent on a person’s personal experiences and history with meth abuse. The severity of meth withdrawal symptoms will often be impacted by the length of time that you have been using meth, how much meth you use in a given time, and how often you …
Recognizing Signs of Drug Addiction in a Loved One
The Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction People who are drug dependent or who have a substance use disorder may not look like the stereotypical drug addict you see on TV or in movies. Not all addiction looks the same, and it may be difficult to admit that you or a loved one has a …
Making New Friends After Addiction Recovery
Facing and overcoming an addiction is a serious feat for anyone. Addiction is an epidemic that not only plagues millions of individuals each year, but also millions of families who are also involved with those struggling with addiction. If you are struggling with addiction or if you have recently completed an addiction recovery program, it …
Making Your First 12-Step Meeting Heroic
Taking the step to stop your addiction is a big step to take. Because recovery is a lifelong process, there is no wrong way to approach the 12-Step program. The program is modeled so that people can help one another achieve and maintain abstinence from substances of abuse. It emphasizes that healing cannot come about …
Long Term Effects of Opioids on the Body
What Drugs Are Considered Opioids? The ongoing opioid epidemic has become widely talked about by news providers and health officials. The potential threats and harm from opioid addiction can have devastating effects on individuals living with active opioid addiction. If you are concerned about your loved one’s use of substances or want to be cautious …
The Benefits of Medical Detox for Benzo Addiction
What Are Benzos? Benzodiazepines or ‘Benzos’ are depressant prescription medications that are intended to slow down the messages traveling along the neural pathways in the brain. They are typically prescribed by doctors as mild tranquilizers to relieve stress, manage anxiety disorders, and help people sleep. The most popular forms of benzos are Xanax (xannies) and …