3 Tips To Help You Boost Your Confidence!
Being in control That moment of total “blank.” That moment when your mind can’t find the right words all that come out is pure gibberish. The “Freeze”, the “Panic”, and the “Emotional Overload”. It may happen from getting scolded or ridiculed, watching a plan fail, or simply trying your hand at public speaking. It’s called …
Partying sober? That’s a thing? Lights. Hip hop music blasting. Dancing. Oh, we almost forgot the obvious: booze and drugs. These are all classic examples of things people experience at parties. Some party goers might only drink a pint a beer, some might occasionally fill their lungs with weed, some might “go hard or go …
Treatment: Things To Think About
Deciding to go to Treatment can be a challenging thing for those struggling with addiction and mental health issues. Another big challenge is plethora of options to choose from across the country and even the world. One of the big questions that often arises is whether or not to remain at or close to home …
How to Love Summer While Staying Sober
Summertime can be an awesome time of year. For many, the warm weather, lack of school for many, the unstructured free time, long evenings, beaches, parties, downtime etc. are looked forward to all year long. For many in recovery however, this period, and those same summer features are an incredibly challenging time filled with triggers, …
How Having Supportive Friends Can Help You And Your Mental Health
When you first start having feelings of or are diagnosed with depression, things can be very confusing and get out of perspective. Especially if the people around you don’t understand. Now, people without mental health issues will never know what it’s “like” or how it feels so you can’t expect them to know that, however …
A Poetic Pep Talk
LOVE yourself. You are a gift and nothing would be the same without you. There are 7.28 billion people in this world, and not one of them is you. That’s pretty impressive. Everything that you contribute in this world is important. You make a difference, so you need to give yourself some credit for it. …