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Tag: sober

How to avoid getting SAD during the winter months

S.A.D or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common disorder that affects millions. SAD is as it sounds: during specific times of year, primarily the winter months, people who suffer with SAD can have trouble sleeping or eating, anxiety, feeling down, depressed, melancholy, apathetic and generally, well, sad. The reasoning behind the disorder is that during …

How to approach forgiveness in and out of Recovery

A fairly common discussion that comes up when one is working on therapy and taking stock of their past and the progress of treatment is forgiveness. Though Forgiveness or making amends is a part of the 12 Step work, is not a topic relegated to Recovery alone, we all have things we regret and people …

How to find your center in the chaos of daily life

Find your center: With all of the chaos and hubbub of daily life, it’s important that when you are home you take special effort to make sure you focus on yourself. Instead of engaging in high quantity low-quality outlets, like excess video gaming, binge watching the latest movies, shows or dramas here are some suggestions …