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The Importance of Learning Life Skills in Addiction Recovery

Unfortunately, addiction can be a very controlling force in one’s life. Having to constantly resist urges and be bombarded by temptation can hamper development and the rehabilitation process. That is why choosing to recovery from addiction is a powerful decision that will have numerous health benefits. Regaining life skills is one of the ways addicts can get back on their feet. In the long run, you will become far more successful and stronger once the Addiction treatment process has concluded.

While in rehab, a wide range of life skills is usually taught under the guidance of counselors. Some life skills may be new while others can be completely foreign. Whatever skills that you end up learning during this process, they are essential to regaining confidence and control. One of the most important things that will be learned during this process will be independent living skills.


Being addicted to drugs can rob a person of the ability to take care of themselves. Fortunately, rehab will be able to teach you important living skills that exhibit independence such as adhering to a healthy diet, personal hygiene, financial literacy and other skills that will help you take proper care of daily essentials.

Emotional Stability

Addiction recovery is also important for the sake of emotion control. The use of alcohol or other drugs that can harm the body is often used as a means of self-medication to control mood swings and emotional difficulties. During the rehabilitation process, it will be emphasized to live a life that stabilizes your emotions and frees yourself from the hampering effects of addiction.

Arguably the biggest deterrent to people being able to live a happy life is stress. This stress can be exacerbated with drug or alcohol abuse. During rehab, patients are taught how to manage stress in a way that will not permit further harm to themselves.

Social Interaction

Social interaction is one of the life skills in addiction recovery that one should re-learn. When under the influence of drug addiction, interacting with other people can prove to be a difficult endeavor. It is also very hard to control negative emotions and master how to talk to others in a constructive and positive manner. The importance of this skill cannot be understated because we interact with people every day. Whether it is our parents or friends, communication mastery is essential. Working on communication will also help you to create a positive support group once the rehabilitation process is over.

Relationship problems are also not uncommon because addiction can affect personal relationships of all kinds. Relationships that are potentially broken from the negative effects of prolonged drug use. Rehab can be very effective in mending those broken relationships through a change to healthy habits.

Relapse Avoidance

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 40% to 60% of previous drug abusers will suffer from relapse during the addiction treatment process. This can be attributed to the number of triggers and cravings that can arise. One of the greatest urges that take place during addiction recovery is the temptation to relapse. Re-learning or mastering coping mechanisms can help this problem to an extent, but alternative means of doing so can also be taught as well. Healthy habits such as playing with pets, regular exercise, meditation, praying and spending time outside have proven to help decrease the urge to engage in the same harmful behaviors one would experience during addiction.

Adapting In Day-To-Day Life

As stated before, one of the most important skills of life that should be taught when recovering from drug addiction is control. Having control of your life instead of being bound by powerful forces will help lead to a more productive life. The day-to-day realities of many include responsibly paying bills, being financially responsible, making sure your vehicle is up to date and more. These are just a few of the many responsibilities that are placed upon adults. Unfortunately, these skills can be easily lost during addiction.

How Are These Skills Re-Taught?

All of these life skills in addiction recovery are all very important, but how can they be learned in rehab? Patients can take comfort in the fact that they will be in the care of specialists who can identify problematic behaviors. These typically include psychologists and others who specialize in the field o mental health. Whether it is cognitive behavioral therapy, spiritual therapy or relapse prevention, there is awareness for all kinds of issues related to drug abuse. A course of classes that will help teach lessons of life and interacting with others experiencing similar difficulties can prove to be very beneficial as well.

What If There Is Failure?

Failure to master these skills does not mean that the journey is over. Failure provides the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and provide addicts with the focus and discipline needed to change their quality of life. While it is incredibly important to master skills that could potentially be lost, it is also a process and may take time to get re-acclimated to. Everyone learns at a different pace, and there is no deadline as to when life can fully return to normal.

Additional Benefits Of Rehabilitation

What should be understood about rehabilitation the most is that it is a holistic process that focuses on every aspect of a patient’s health. Combined with being accustomed to skills that will help get through the daily stressors of life, a healthier life can be lived as a result.

The greatest achievement in recovering from addiction is making the skills that are important in getting through life more prominent. Having the proper means to provide for yourself, effectively interact with others, but have an overwhelming sense of freedom from addiction and recovery can be a tremendous feeling.


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Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.