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Tips for Healing Your Emotions Through Therapy

The Impact of Emotional Wounds and Trauma

Throughout your life, there are experiences that you will go through that have the potential of having long lasting impacts on your emotional and mental health. Emotional wounds and traumas can occur in anyone’s life for a number of reasons. For many individuals when you hear the term wound, you think of a physical wound that happens after sustaining an injury that can be treated and healed with medical care and bandages. Emotional wounds have the ability to cause a person pain and discomfort that often last longer than any physical wound. Similarly, trauma occurs for a variety of reasons that are unique to each person. While most individuals will think of trauma as a result of life changing or dangerous situation, there are other incidents and experiences that can result in trauma such as experiencing significant emotional pain, abuse, neglect, or discrimination. No matter what is at the source of your emotional wounds and traumas, the result of these traumas and emotional wounds will impact a person’s ability to function throughout each day and influence your emotional and mental health. Therapy is a great way to begin your own healing process.

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Emotional wounds and trauma can be difficult to identify or diagnose as each person will experience different side effects and symptoms as a result of their emotional wounds or traumas. The impacts are often broken down into the following areas within a person’s life:

  • Physical side effects that can include fatigue, insomnia, muscle tension, chest pain, or unexplained chronic pain. Many will attempt to treat these physical side effects as the main issue when they should be looking at what is underneath the onset of these symptoms to heal the underlying emotions and traumas. 
  • Behavioral impacts can include changing a person’s social circles and interactions to avoid seeing someone or places that bring up memories of your traumas or emotional wounds. Individuals may withdraw and isolate from their family and friends and reduce engagement in activities that once brought you joy.
  • Impacts on your cognitive health as there may be an increase in intrusive thoughts, nightmares, confusion, flashbacks of the trauma or emotional wound, and impaired memory. 
  • Psychological health impacts such as experiencing feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, panic attacks, and emotional numbing or detachment. 

These impacts of emotional wounds and traumas can deeply influence how you live your day to day life. These side effects will often lead to disturbance in your relationships causing distance and distrust with those around you along with experiencing discord within your family relationships and responsibilities. Others will also experience challenges with maintaining work or school commitments and an inability to feel emotionally and physically stable and healthy. Healing your emotions through therapy will allow you the time you need to safely address the traumatic incident or emotional wound through evidence based therapy methods including specific trauma therapy methods. As you heal your emotions through therapy, you will also gain the tools you need to overcome trauma responses or triggers through natural, holistic coping methods that will support you in maintaining your overall health and well-being. 

Why Emotional Healing is Worth Pursuing

Healing your emotions through therapy is a process that can have life changing impacts on a person that can help to enhance your everyday lifestyle along with your health and wellbeing. When we feel the impacts of emotional wounds and trauma, we often turn to methods that will treat the symptoms rather than treating the root emotions and traumas. This bandaid treatment will only provide momentary relief that will later cause symptoms and side effects to resurface as you are not exploring and treating the underlying emotions and traumas. Many will attempt to manage or treat these side effects through unhealthy coping skills including substance abuse, unhealthy relationships, and high risk or self destructive behaviors or avoidance. These coping methods tend to exacerbate the impacts of your emotions and traumas leading to an increase in side effects and symptoms which, in turn, will create a self destructive cycle of unhealthy or negative coping skills and impacts of trauma and emotional wounds continuously occurring. Healing your emotions and traumas through therapy will invite you to safely explore and treat your underlying emotions and traumas through effective tools for therapy that will help you release these negative impacts and embrace a new lifestyle that fosters health, happiness, and stability. 

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5 Stages of Healing Your Emotions Through Therapy

Healing your emotions through therapy is a process that will occur over a period of time that will occur within stages. Your therapeutic process may include the following stages for emotional healing: 

  1. Emotional suffering- This stage is characterized by feelings of denial or disbelief that your emotional wounds or traumas are creating difficulties or challenges for you. Many people in this stage will minimize the severity of your emotions and express that you are able to manage your emotional hardships on your own without needing help. 
  2. Emotional awareness– During this stage, you will become able to identify and express the emotions that you are experiencing. Becoming aware and in tune to your emotions will support you in identifying the next steps you will need to take in your healing process to safely and effectively heal from your emotional wounds and traumas. 
  3. Confronting your emotions- During this stage, you will begin to confront your emotional pain with the support of your therapist. You will begin to confront your emotions and triggers rather than avoid them as you have done previously. The more you begin to confront your emotions, the more you will be able to process and heal from those painful emotions to begin a new path of healing and acceptance. 
  4. Expressing your emotions- Once you have confronted your emotions, you will be able to start learning how to effectively and safely express your emotions in a healthy manner. Feeling your emotions is the first step in processing them and therapy sessions provide a safe space for individuals to feel those emotions with the ongoing support of a therapist. Releasing your deep-rooted, painful emotions will bring you closer to healing and allow you to put those negative emotions and traumas in your past. 
  5. Accepting your emotions and past. During this stage, you are able to feel confident in your ability to own and accept your previous emotions and experiences. This allows you to move forward in your healing process and life as you feel as though you have mastered your ability to manage your emotions. 

How to Find the Right Therapist Near You

Your emotional healing process is sacred to you and you want to find a therapist that honors your need for appropriate and personalized therapeutic approaches that are centered around your unique needs. Finding a therapist that is right for you and your healing process will depend on your specific preferences and goals for healing. There are steps you can take to find the appropriate therapist for you including identifying the levels of care that you would like to receive within therapy and the types of therapy methods that you would like to engage in. Each therapist will have their own individual healing and therapy style so it is important that you take the time to get to know your therapist’s style of healing and if it suits your needs. Make the time to call and ask any questions you may have about the therapeutic process so that you can find a therapist that is right for you and your emotional healing. 

Heal Your Emotions Through Therapy with The Detox Center of L.A.

At The Detox Center of LA, we provide our patients with an individualized treatment plan that will be centered around your unique needs for healing and personal growth. We value the unique circumstances of each of our patients and know that treatment cannot be a one size fits all approach. Treatment needs to be tailored to each patient’s personal history with emotions and traumas in order to provide long lasting healing and stability. With our whole person integrated approach to healing, you will be invited to participate in a variety of treatment methods that will support you in healing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through evidence based therapy approaches, alternative therapy options, and holistic treatments. Our team is dedicated to supporting you in healing from your past and empowering you to have the future that you have wanted free of the impacts of trauma while embracing happiness and stability. 


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Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.