Deciding to go to Treatment can be a challenging thing for those struggling with addiction and mental health issues.
Another big challenge is plethora of options to choose from across the country and even the world.
One of the big questions that often arises is whether or not to remain at or close to home for treatment or to travel, often across country, to get the care that you need.
While there is no one answer to this question, and so many good options nationwide here are a few variables to consider when making your choice:
1. Is the home environment helping or harming?
2. Does the client have easier access to negative supports/networks in their town?
3. Does the client (and their loved ones if supportive) have the means to travel?
4. Does the client have a history of leaving treatment? Are they more likely to run off if home is nearby or will they leave regardless?
5. Does the client have insurance and do they authorize an out of state placement?
6. Which location has the greatest supports/community to provide structure post-treatment?
7. Which treatment center has the most comprehensive aftercare?
8. Can you rally personal or family support around the client at the desired location?
9. Does the client have school or district specific requirements?
10. (For loved ones) How does the client feel about travel or the factors above?
There are so many factors that go into choosing the right care and we are here to help you navigate it! Call 24-7: , 888-346-4350