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Why You Should Have a Discharge Plan After Addiction Treatment

Completing Rehab

Making it through a rehab program successfully is a major accomplishment. A former addict who took the time and courage to admit themselves into rehab in the first place is something to be congratulated. They took that first step to help themselves. Then the hard work truly began. They went through the harrowing but necessary period of withdrawal and then attended therapy. There, they learned about their triggers and how to build new and better habits in order to deal with those triggering events, situations, and people. With a strong and supportive group of individuals at their back, they made it through their period of rehabilitation and finally face release.

However, you must have a plan in place to accomplish this. As they stand just outside of the doors of the rehab facility, they may realize just how out of depth they are. This is especially true for those who did not put into place a discharge plan after leaving rehab. Without this plan, it’s easy for a former addict to feel lost and unsure of where to go from there. In order to prevent relapse, everyone should have an addiction treatment discharge plan. This article will explain why and some of the plans an individual leaving addiction treatment may want to consider.

1. Less Likely To Relapse

Perhaps the biggest reason why former addicts should have a plan is that it will help ensure that they don’t relapse. As soon as they walk out of the treatment center, they’ll know exactly where they need to go and do. They’ll also likely have a list of people to avoid. Without this plan in place, former addicts may hesitate and instead cling to familiarity. With that familiarity, however, comes a chance to relapse. A discharge plan will keep them on a sober path.

2. Employment

One of the initial aspects of a plan a former addict should consider is employment. If they were able to hold onto a job before and while they were being treated, then their employment needs are taken care of. Unfortunately, depending on the length of their addiction and treatment, many find themselves without a job. With the resources that the treatment center usually provides, a former addict can usually find aid in locating a source of employment. Having the structure of going to work every day and doing something productive for a few hours is an excellent method to stay on the path of sobriety. By making money, individuals can provide for themselves as well as their families and develop a strong sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

Also, having employment can offer an individual a sense of purpose and pride. They are contributing to society once more and taking care of themselves. For many people struggling with addiction, a feeling of uselessness and not feeling as though they are contributing to anything can cause them to spiral. With employment, these individuals can feed their need for structure and be responsible for something.

3. Support Groups

An addiction treatment discharge plan should always include a support group. While that support group can vary in its form, individuals leaving treatment programs will benefit from continuing group therapy in some capacity. It is also largely up to the individual. For some, a simple and casual group online may be all that they need to feel supported and encouraged to stay sober. This is especially an excellent option for those who find themselves busy with work and family life.

Others may require a more personal meet-up. Luckily, there are usually quite a few different support groups in a given area. They should sign up or just show up to join these support groups, so they continue to have a voice and presence amongst their peers. Support groups are an excellent place for them to admit to the struggles they’re facing with those who also understand their struggle. When family and friends can’t exactly offer the support that an individual needs, a support group can.

4. Personal Therapy

In most cases, it is beneficial for the person to include individual therapy in their discharge plan. During their stay in the treatment center, they no doubt experienced a form of personal therapy that was designed to help them figure out the triggers that set them off to use drugs or alcohol. Therapy was likely also used to help them forge better habits and behaviors to deal with those triggers.

Since addiction is something that never truly goes away, a former addict can greatly benefit from seeing a personal therapist regularly. They can continue to offer their own form of support as well as ideas if the former addict is struggling to remain sober. By digging in further to their mental health, they can find means to support and improve that health. This can have a fantastic impact on the rest of their life and keep them sober.

5. Sober Living House

After addiction treatment, some individuals may feel that they’re not quite ready to enter the world fully. As such, one part of their plan may be to find residence within a sober living house. These homes are basically used for those who have received treatment but need just a bit more guidance before entering the world. They often share the home with their peers who also attended therapy and are supervised by nurses and trained professionals to help them into the next phase of their life.

This help may come in the shape of locating employment for them and helping them to build up a resume and practice job interviews. It may also be helping the former addict find a new place to live. This is especially crucial if their former residence is one of temptation and filled with other drug users.

A Plan Can Help

Having a discharge plan can help to ensure that a former addict remains sober and does not relapse. By considering some of the aspects above into their plan, they may find the path of sobriety a lot easier to walk than without them. Discharge planning is something that we take pride in for our clients. For more information, feel free to contact us today.


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Will my insurance cover treatment for addiction?

The Detox Center of L.A. accepts most major insurance providers and private healthcare policies. We offer free insurance verification as well as eligibility and benefits for both behavioral and mental health treatment services. Please fill out our insurance verification form here to verify your insurance.

What happens in addiction

Effective addiction treatment programs are tailored to each individual. Because of this, it will be a different experience for everyone. However, it generally involves a combination of detoxification, group and individual therapy, educational presentations, and aftercare planning in order to ensure long-term recovery. Upon arrival at The Detox Center of L.A., you can expect our professionally trained staff to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and treatment goals.