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Category: Articles

Read our articles, learn more about healthy life and create a better more fulfilling life for yourself.

What Type of Drug Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a stimulant drug. Stimulants speed up messages between your body and brain. They increase your energy and level of alertness. Cocaine is a product of the leaves of the coca plant. The coca plant initially grows in South America. Cocaine possession and use for recreational purposes are illegal. However, use is allowed for …

War on Drugs: History, Timeline and Failure?

The War on Drugs is a phrase used to refer to a government-led initiative that aims to stop illegal drug use, distribution, and trade by dramatically increasing prison sentences for both drug dealers and users. The movement started in the 1970s and is still evolving today. Over the years, people have had mixed reactions to …

The Detox Center of Los Angeles is Open During COVID-19

We are committed to providing quality health care to our clients, staff, and community and will be continuing services consisting of all levels such as Detox, Residential, and Outpatient services. These services include Counseling, Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Admissions, Medication Management, and Discharge Planning. At our facilities, We already hold ourselves to the highest standard …

COVID-19 Outbreak: Online Addiction Recovery Meetings

The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought most of our operations and lives to a standstill. Many individuals are experiencing various levels of stress. There are three notable levels when it comes to individuals going through or have gone through substance use disorder. They include: Those who have been going through addiction recovery have lost access …