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Category: Articles

Read our articles, learn more about healthy life and create a better more fulfilling life for yourself.

Signs of Alcohol Abuse

It can be hard to watch someone you love struggle with alcohol abuse. It can be even harder to learn how to forgive an alcoholic.  Alcohol is legal, which means it’s easily accessible and can be dangerous in excess. Alcohol use disorder is a chronic disease that includes uncontrolled drinking and an obsession with alcohol. …

How to Help a Meth Addict

An addiction to methamphetamines is powerful and serious. Meth has one of the highest relapse rates of any abused drug. More than 90% of people addicted to meth will relapse at least once, according to statistics. A meth addict experiences powerful cravings to use the drug regardless of its dangerous effects on physical and mental …

5 Simple Steps to Successful CBT Treatment

What is CBT Treatment? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that supports individuals to explore and identify how their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes impact their emotions and behaviors. The American Psychological Association identifies that CBT Treatment is based on three core concepts including Psychological complications and issues are based on unhelpful or …