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Tag: Wellness

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How to Deal With Loneliness

Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling due to social isolation. It usually occurs when our social needs aren’t adequately met by our relationships with others. It involves feelings of anxiety when you feel disconnected from other human beings or lack communication with them. Loneliness is more common than most people think. It could arise as a …


Partying sober? That’s a thing? Lights. Hip hop music blasting. Dancing. Oh, we almost forgot the obvious: booze and drugs. These are all classic examples of things people experience at parties. Some party goers might only drink a pint a beer, some might occasionally fill their lungs with weed, some might “go hard or go …

How a small gesture can change the course of someone’s life forever, start now!

There are a million different ways in which people communicate. Across countries and continents, across digital and analog platforms, at home, at work, in school, high, low, in good times and bad. Humans tend to be social creatures, and with the advances in technology there are more ways than ever to connect. Many times however …

How to approach forgiveness in and out of Recovery

A fairly common discussion that comes up when one is working on therapy and taking stock of their past and the progress of treatment is forgiveness. Though Forgiveness or making amends is a part of the 12 Step work, is not a topic relegated to Recovery alone, we all have things we regret and people …