Top Rated Drug & Alcohol Residential Rehab in Los Angeles, California
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Heroin Rehab Near Me: Top Rated Heroin Rehab in Los Angeles, California

The Detox Center of Los Angeles is a top-rated drug and alcohol recovery center for substance abuse treatment in Los Angeles, California.  We offer personalized, comprehensive inpatient care provided by credentialed and experienced medical professionals, therapists, and other treatment providers. 

Why Choose TDCLA

The Detox Center of LA is a safe place where you can receive effective treatment for drug and alcohol addiction in Los Angeles, ensuring that you will get the correct types of treatment you need for your unique case.

Help is a Phone Call Away

The Detox Center Los Angeles

The Detox Center LA is one of the highest-rated heroin detox and rehab centers in Los Angeles, California. Our center in Los Angeles is certified by the Joint Commission for the treatment of substance use disorders, as well as dual diagnosis plans for those with co-occurring mental health issues and heroin addiction. We provide inpatient programs for heroin medical detox, and heroin rehab that is comprehensive, safe, and effective.

We are part of a network of Los Angeles California and area rehab facilities with connections to several outpatient programs and aftercare partner programs, including intensive outpatient programs (IOP) and partial hospitalization programs. Your individual treatment plan will depend on your needs, and we will work to ensure you are placed in the right rehab program for you.

Best Heroin Rehab Center for LA Residents

We are the best of the addiction treatment centers out there for addiction to drugs and alcohol because our our high quality of care. The recovery center features small 6-bedroom apartments with in-unit laundry rooms and housekeeping. There is an outside lounge area, fitness classes, basketball and a cornhole game. Along with meals cooked by a private chef, there are snacks available at all times, plus we do store runs where you can use your own money to purchase food items, hygiene products, and tobacco. We often have movie nights on the big screen, and there are yoga and meditation sessions you can join.

Types of Addiction Treatment for Heroin Addiction We Offer

Detox and inpatient treatment are both offered at our luxury drug rehab center in Los Angeles. Your detox plan will include medical care, behavioral therapy, counseling, and prescription medications to help you avoid severe discomfort and dangerous withdrawal symptoms like high blood pressure or seizures. Your detox may also involve a longer-lasting medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program if you are detoxing from a drug that causes more severe or longer lasting withdrawal symptoms like heroin or benzodiazepines.

After your detox is complete you will move into a 20-to-30-day rehab program that will provide you with therapy, counseling, physical health care, social support, case management, and other treatments, classes, groups, and care that you will need to heal the underlying causes of your addiction, reframe the way you think, build new healthy habits, and gain the recovery tools and relapse prevention skills you will need to live life without turning back to heroin.

Heroin Detox

Heroin detox is not easy, but at The Detox Center of LA, we can keep you as comfortable and safe as possible as your body removes the toxins from your system and rebalances your brain chemistry. Detox takes place inside the treatment facility, where you will live full-time.

There are two phases to a heroin detox plan, the acute detox phase, followed by longer-term medication-assisted treatment (MAT). In the acute phase, patients will live inside the residential facility, with 24-hour medical care available, along with medications given to help with the initial shock that detox may bring to the body. You will also be monitored for other medical issues, and your nutrition and hydration will be brought to a healthy level. Therapy sessions and counseling also begin during detox, meeting with your primary therapist once a day. This will help you through any difficult emotions or thoughts that may arise during this tumultuous time. Medical detox will keep you safe until you are stable enough to move forward in treatment and begin your medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program.

Dual diagnosis treatments also begin during detox. During your initial screening, our team of professionals not only looks for physical health issues but also mental health issues that require treatment, and a dual diagnosis program will provide addiction care and mental health treatment at the same time in an integrated program. Common mental health disorders that occur alongside addiction are:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Depressive disorders
  • Schizoaffective disorder

In your detox program, you will not quit heroin cold turkey, but instead, begin your MAT program right away. With MAT detox programs for heroin rehab, you will be put onto different medications that will stop drug cravings and discomfort on a long-term tapering schedule to slowly ease your body off of the opioid drug. MAT will continue through inpatient rehab and beyond.

Common medications given during a MAT program may include one or more of the following:

  • Gabapentin
  • Trazodone
  • Suboxone
  • Subutex
  • Benzodiazepine tapers
  • Seroquel
  • Ativan
  • Valium

Inpatient Heroin Rehab

The Detox Center of LA is a residential treatment center. This means that when you are admitted into our substance abuse treatment recovery programs, you will move into our facility full time, receiving customized treatments that will best suit your addiction needs. We use solution-based, trauma-informed methodologies, helping each client build self-awareness and self-acceptance while healing the social, physical, psychological, behavioral, and emotional issues behind heroin addiction.

Outpatient Heroin Rehab

Outpatient rehab is a good idea for long-term heroin recovery support and care. This is usually the next step after residential treatment is complete, where you will live at home or in a sober living home, gradually returning to your normal life as you continue to access treatments a set number of hours per week, instead of a 24-hour immersion in the inpatient sober environment.

At The Detox Center LA, we can refer you to trusted outpatient drug rehabs that offer outpatient treatment plans including partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs, helping you transition back to your everyday life, job, family, and responsibilities on your own terms.

How Long Is Heroin Rehab?

The length of drug and alcohol rehab depends on several factors, including whether you need to spend time in the detox center, the length of your residential treatment program, and whether you move on into an intensive outpatient program or another outpatient rehab program.

At The Detox Center of LA, your program is 100% individualized to your needs, but generally speaking, most people will stay in a medical detox program for 5 to 10 days, and then move into inpatient rehab for 20 to 30 days. From there, our team of experts will work with you to determine if it would be best to continue accessing care in an outpatient program with our partner facilities.

What Is Heroin Rehab Like?

Heroin rehab at TDCLA is a customized residential rehab plan created for you to help you heal the roots of addiction, improve your overall well-being, and help you discover new ways to behave, think, and see the world that will keep you from turning back to heroin use. Some of the programs and treatments we use include:  

  • Case management, meeting once a week with a case manager who will help with issues like obtaining leave from work, legal issues, and building an aftercare plan together
  • Inpatient rehab at TDCLA usually involves 40 to 47 hours per week of group therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy
  • Evidence-based treatments including psychoeducation
  • Art therapy and healing through creativity
  • Behavioral health treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive restructuring, and emotional self-regulation therapy
  • Nutrition education, with exercise and wellness plans
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for those with a co-occurring disorder like post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Family programs and family therapy
  • Holistic treatments for substance abuse like mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and breathwork
  • Experiential therapy
  • Connections to aftercare, sober living homes, outpatient rehab programs, and alumni groups, with continued support for those recovering from heroin addiction

12 Step Heroin Rehab in Los Angeles, CA

12-step drug treatment programs like Narcotics Anonymous are some of the oldest addiction treatment groups in the US. It is a useful way of approaching sobriety, incorporating spirituality by asking you to recognize a higher power that can help you regain control. In 12-step programs, you acknowledge your lack of power over addiction and take stock of your life. This holistic experience, with the guidelines provided (the 12 steps), along with the peer support and consistent accessibility of these programs has a proven success rate, making it a useful addition to anybody’s recovery journey.

Executive Drug Rehab for Heroin in Los Angeles

Executives and others working in fast-paced jobs in high-level careers have a much harder time stepping away from work for any amount of time to enter an addiction treatment program. At TDCLA, we can help you detox and get over your withdrawals symptoms as quickly and efficiently as possible and create a customized program that includes residential rehab and/or connections to an outpatient addiction rehab facility, getting you the substance abuse treatment that you need without jeopardizing your reputation or your career.

Breathwork Therapy

Heroin rehab in Los Angeles is best done in a whole-patient approach to healing that includes holistic therapies for drug addiction like breathwork therapy. This is a type of breathing exercise that promotes spiritual and physical well-breathing by intentionally changing breathing patterns. This improves mental clarity, promotes relaxation, and leaves some people feeling energized.  

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is used in most rehab centers in Los Angeles and recovery programs around the world because it helps teach patients to be in charge of their own well-being. CBT shows patients how to recognize and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, manage their choices and actions, and find new way to cope with stress in every aspect of their lives, not just addiction recovery.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

In dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), patients learn how to manage stress and emotions through distress tolerance, mindfulness, and emotional regulation. DBT teaches patients how to live in the moment, and how to replace negative or self-defeating behaviors (alcohol and drug use) with positive actions.

Family Systems Therapy

Family systems therapy operates under the theory that a family is one emotional unit, and that behavior is often informed by the patient’s family. In this theory, nobody is an island. Everybody is affected by the people they are in contact with and are inseparable from their family relationships. Used by families that are experiencing conflict, this therapy addresses the patient’s inner psyche to generate change in relationships and other aspects of life through structural family therapy, strategic family therapy, and intergenerational family therapy.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Trauma-informed therapy takes patients’ unique and rich histories into account throughout detox and rehab, with care providers keeping in mind that what they say and do has the potential to trigger or re-traumatize patients who have been through traumatic experiences. Therapists will know the signs of trauma, and take steps that include:

  • Building and maintaining trust
  • Asking for consent before touching the patient or performing treatments
  • Being open and honest, and answering questions clearly
  • Empowering clients in their treatments through collaborative caregiving

Why Choose The Detox Center of LA For Heroin Rehab in Los Angeles, CA

At TDCLA, you will receive a fully integrated medical detox program including MAT treatments for successful long-term heroin rehab, followed by an easy transition into inpatient rehab, and connections to outpatient addiction treatment throughout LA.

Because all our care occurs inside our completely sober inpatient rehab facility, our clients can step away from old habits, friends, behaviors, and substances for up to 30 days, providing the opportunity to learn new ways of living, including nutritional counseling, exercise programs, and relapse prevention techniques. Inpatient addiction treatments will give new perspectives on life, helping each client create new habits and behaviors, challenge old ways of thinking, and move forward in life on a positive trajectory.

Call our team today, and we will help you verify your insurance coverage and give you all the information you need to help you move forward in drug and alcohol addiction treatment. We are here for you and can get you started on your road to recovery today.