The art of saying No part 1.
There is so much to the word NO that is hard to deliver and to receive. How many bad ideas could have been prevented by such a small word? How many poor choices? How many relapses? Often the challenge is internal, a fight with yourself, your impulses, your cravings. We will cover that in subsequent …
Thoughts on Adversity
Adversity seeks to be the biggest, well, adversary people face. Whether internal, external, slow burner or page turner, adversity comes in all shapes and sizes, colors, flavors, names like: Self-challenges Others challenging Situations that challenge Challenges challenging Self doubt Self pity Physical pain Mental pain Loss Boss Loss of boss Fear Addiction Dependency Co-dependency Love …
Low Key My Empathy
It seems like Empathy is one of the easiest things to dish out in public (its better than “Sympathy” and easier than action) but one of the more challenging things to feel and even harder to teach. On the other hand, Empathy seems like something that in today’s world we need more of, and more …
“Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”. It’s the famous commercial line that was designed to motivate the elderly and their caregivers to purchase supportive technology to alert people in the event of a fall or other injury. As it turns out, its not only the elderly that need to fear falling down. Falling …
5 Life lessons from the Superbowl
It seems that every year certain teams clearly make it to the finish line, while others fight their way to the top. Regardless of the path to the big game, there are a few standout features of teams that make it that are very relevant to those of us on the other side of the …
How a small gesture can change the course of someone’s life forever, start now!
There are a million different ways in which people communicate. Across countries and continents, across digital and analog platforms, at home, at work, in school, high, low, in good times and bad. Humans tend to be social creatures, and with the advances in technology there are more ways than ever to connect. Many times however …