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Category: Articles

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Family, family, family…. What is there to say about family? What is there not to say? “Family first”. That’s the motto to live by, right? Well, sometimes it’s not that easy. With great love, especially coming from your family, there can and will always be struggles that come along with it. Often when we see …

Make yourself the top priority in your life!

Did you know that it’s ok to make yourself the top priority in your life? We all know that life can be pretty hectic sometimes. How many times have you found yourself barely being able to catch your breath even before you start juggling work, school, friends, family, and anything else that you may have …

Thoughts on Adversity

Adversity seeks to be the biggest, well, adversary people face. Whether internal, external, slow burner or page turner, adversity comes in all shapes and sizes, colors, flavors,  names like: Self-challenges Others challenging Situations that challenge Challenges challenging Self doubt Self pity Physical pain Mental pain Loss Boss Loss of boss Fear Addiction Dependency Co-dependency Love …

Low Key My Empathy

It seems like Empathy is one of the easiest things to dish out in public (its better than “Sympathy” and easier than action) but one of the more challenging things to feel and even harder to teach. On the other hand, Empathy seems like something that in today’s world we need more of, and more …